01 Jul 5 Summer Security Tips
Summer is in full swing, filled with trips to the pool, picnics at the neighborhood park, and summer vacations. Amongst all of the chaos of summer, with the kids out of school and things being so much busier than usual, it can be easy to forget to do the little things to keep your family and home safe this summer. Your safety and security is so important, and only takes a few minutes to ensure safety. Here are a few security tips to keep your summer safer.
Lock your windows and doors before you leave
We all usually remember to lock our doors when we leave the house, but locking your windows is just as important! We often keep windows cracked during the cooler hours of the day, and it can be easy to forget about these locks when you leave. Do a quick check through your house to make sure that everything is locked up safe before you leave.
Ask your neighbor to park in your driveway while you’re gone
If you have a lengthy trip planned this summer, consider asking a friend or neighbor to park in your driveway while you’re gone. This will give the appearance of someone being at home and will prevent your home from becoming a target for burglars.
Turn off your mail service
You could always have a neighbor pick up the mail, but the safest option may be to turn off your mail service until you’re home from your trip. You can easily stop by the post office on your way home from the airport and turn your service back on, and get your mail easier than having to wait and coordinate with your neighbor.
Find a house sitter
One of the easiest and safest solutions when you’ll be out of town for a long time, is to find a house sitter! They can gather your mail, keep your plants and pets alive, and give the appearance that no one is gone or on vacation. This is one of the best ways to keep your home safe during summer vacations!
Don’t post your whereabouts on social media
If you are in the habit of going on daily walks and like to post about it on your Instagram stories, maybe hold off on posting about your walk until you’re back home. When it comes to vacations, it may be best to wait to post about them until you are back home as well, to avoid your home becoming a target for invasion while you’re away!
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