
During these unprecedented times, it is more important than ever to consider the safety of your employees and your business. With the quick and widespread of the coronavirus, many businesses have had to close down and are left unattended. With data indicating an uptick in crime rates in many areas, now is the perfect time for you to look into the options you have available to you through CBI Security.

The team at CBI Security understands the importance of personal security services for your person and business. We never underestimate how security can turn chaotic or dangerous situations into safely controlled situations. When it comes to personal security services and security for your business, you have a number of options. CBI Security offers a variety of security, ranging from armed to unarmed, mobile and more.

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a public event, in possession of large crowds, must be in want of security detail. As unfortunate as it may be that certain members of our society at large can’t be trusted to respect the lives of their own fellow citizens, history has proven time and again that large public gatherings—-similar to the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England only a few short years ago—-are imminently attractive to the opportunistically evil.

Identity theft is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the U.S., with nearly 9 million households being affected by it every year. Identity theft is when someone steals your personal information and uses it as their own in order to obtain credit, gain access to your accounts, obtain official documents, etc. Knowing how to prevent identity theft is essential to protecting your personal information and finances. Here are some tips for how you can prevent identity theft from happening to you...

When you are the owner of a business that uses any sort of computer technology you run the risk of being hacked.  With the increasing amount of sensitive information and business ventures that are located on computers, servers, and mobile devices, it is vastly important that every business owner ensures that they have adequate levels of cybersecurity.  Here are just a few of the steps that you can take to make sure that everything in your business computer is completely protected from would-be invaders.

What is Mobile Patrol? Like any security guard position, mobile patrols are meant to provide your community, property, or company with a regular security presence. Once they’ve arrived on your site in a branded vehicle, the officer will patrol various buildings and grounds, ensuring that all...

Almost everyone has some sort of smart technology in their home. Whether you have just a smart home hub like Google Home or the Amazon Echo, or you have a full system and can start a pot of coffee from your phone. There are so many reasons to integrate smart technology into your home, but it’s also incredibly important to make sure that you do safely!

Business security is something that every entrepreneur needs to worry about. It is an unfortunate reality that businesses commonly face threats such as theft, vandalism, and other crimes. Business owners are constantly worrying about those threats and trying to decide how to best prevent and/or deal with them. In an effort to help business owners face those common threats, we decided to compile a short list of simple things business owners can do to improve security.

For most college students, leaving for college is the first time they have lived away from home. It is an exciting time, as they learn to be more independent and grow their social circle while learning important things—all things that help them become a well-rounded and competent adult. As fun as it may be, living on a college campus can be dangerous. There are plenty of situations that college students may find themselves that could potentially be hazardous. It is important to be aware of these and to proactively take steps to prevent them so that college will be a memorable experience for all the right reasons, not the wrong ones. Here are 10 tips for how to stay safe at college.