CBI’s Professional Security Training Course

professional security guards

CBI’s Professional Security Training Course

What makes a good security guard? Are they inherently a certain type of person or are they created through training and experience? At CBI Security, we believe that good protection is a little bit of both. We comb through applicants to find the people who have all the qualities of someone who is detail-oriented, patient, meticulous, and smart, and then we train them. Private security is too important of a task to relegate to the “B-Squad,” where individuals act too fast, or not fast enough; where they profile incorrectly or miss crucial information; where they are lackadaisical in stepping up to their obligations. That is not good enough for the security services we mean to provide.

The Services of CBI

As a private security firm, we hold our officers to the highest standard — not only because our charge is the protection of people of their assets, but also because of the breadth of services that we provide. Our team must be competent in all that we do if we are to have the trust of our clients. In the end, whether the detail is corporate security or residential, the protection of a person or a place, for only a day or for months, we want to be the best option available.

Our officers can handle any type of security needed — we’ve seen it all. Our services include:

  • Investigative Work: Sometimes our clients will suspect that there is something suspicious going on regarding a familial or business associate. Our team can handle the private investigative work needed to give you peace of mind. 
  • Mobile Patrol: With the largest patrol division in Utah, we can send officers to check the premises of your property as often as you’d like, no matter the time of day.
  • Medical Help: We have the largest contingent of officers with EMT training in the West. If you feel your private security should come equipped with these skills, we can provide them.
  • Security Evaluations: Perhaps you have taken control of your security yourself or you would like to evaluate the state of your property’s security as it stands now. We can provide vital information and advice on improving whatever measures you currently have.
  • Corporate Security: Company property doesn’t just house equipment but personnel and proprietary information. We can make sure the complex is well protected.
  • Construction Security: Construction sites aren’t just dangerous but are frequent victims of theft. We can ensure no one comes near the expensive equipment you are using.
  • VIP Protection: Private security in the most literal sense of the term. Our team can provide a protection detail around a central figure or family. 

No matter what we have been called on to do, our officers are trained in both armed and unarmed security, as the case requires. We can also perform these services in a shortened time span of as little as four hours or on a semi-permanent basis of weeks, months, or even years. 

Personnel Training

In order to be experienced enough to any of these services well, we provide comprehensive training to our employees on a regular basis. Not only are they given ample opportunity to expand the breadth of their skills, but all the training is free and can result in formal certification that can last years. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made adjustments to hold our classes over Zoom so that our officers don’t have to miss a beat as they work to improve themselves and CBI. 

Currently, we are offering courses in:

  • Advanced Situational Awareness
  • Principles of Leadership
  • Supervisor Training
  • De-Escalation of Force
  • Armed Officer Training

Each of these classes is designed to give our officers the knowledge and skills necessary to comport themselves with poise and professionalism while in the field. Not only will they be able to influence a situation to de-escalate before a tragedy occurs, but they will be able to help their subordinates to do the right thing at the moment as well. If you have any questions about how we carry out our tasks or train our people, or if you are simply interested in hiring CBI Security to handle your security services, contact us today.

Author: t6admin

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