15 Oct Holiday Home Security Tips
The holidays are a joyous time of the year. They are filled with fun events and family traditions. In order to have the most enjoyable holiday season as possible, here are a few safety and security tips for you and your home, to keep you safe so you can actually enjoy the holiday season.
Avoid driving at night
Driving at night is the most dangerous time of the day to drive anyway, and it is even more so during the holiday season. Avoid driving by yourself as well during the holiday season, and especially at night. You are more of a target for burglary during the holiday season if you are driving at night and someone suspects that you have gifts stashed in your car. Along with this, you should plan your shopping trips to be during daylight hours.
Be wary of delivery men
During the holiday season, it is normal to have an increase in the amount of packages that arrive on your doorstep. Individuals with ill intent will sometimes pretend to be delivering a package to you to get you to open your door. When you order packages, opt to not need to sign the package, and if anything seems off or irregular about the delivery man, don’t open the door. You should also keep an eye on your porch, and plan to be home when you have deliveries scheduled. This is because theft is rampant during the holiday season and package snatchers will come and grab your deliveries.
Holiday gifts and Christmas trees
It is safest to wait to lay out holiday gifts until the night before the holiday, if your Christmas tree is clearly visible from a window or door. You don’t want large displays of gifts easily visible to passersby. Also make sure that your tree is sturdily mounted so that small children or pets can’t accidentally pull the tree down onto themselves.
Leave your lights on
When you leave the house, leave a tv or radio on so it seems that someone is at home. Even just a simple glimpse into your home and seeing a tv or multiple lights is often enough to deter someone who is looking for an easy target to pillage.
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