01 Dec Holiday Safety Tips
You should be careful and cautious no matter what time of year it is. But some people seem to lower their guard during the holiday season. Something about the idea of spreading love and joy makes people think that everyone else is in a similar mindset. Don’t let yourself become a target, and make sure you employ these safety tips this holiday season.
Don’t put shopping bags down on the ground
When you finish your holiday shopping and you’re heading to you car to stow them, try to avoid placing them on the ground. When you do this, you’re putting yourself at risk to have someone walk up and take them as you fish through your pockets for your keys. A great idea is to have your keys in your hand as you head out to the car. This way, when you get to your car, you don’t have to pause before loading your bags into the trunk and then getting into the safety of your car.
Bring a friend
Especially in situations when you’ll be shopping late into the evening after the sun has gone down, it’s a good idea to bring a friend along with you for your shopping endeavors. Not only will the company be welcome and you’ll have an extra set of hands to help you carry your purchases out to your car, but you’re less of a target if someone is with you. Bringing your friend will make you less susceptible for being robbed. If you can’t bring a friend with you, don’t feel uncomfortable asking a security guard to walk you from the shopping center to your car.
Don’t leave your car running
This seems like a no brainer, but don’t leave your car running! Some people do this to try and warm up the car before getting into it. This is dangerous, even in residential areas. Absolutely anyone could walk by, and easily drive off with your car. Automobile thefts increase during the holiday season, so be extra careful and make sure that you’re not the next victim!
Keep purchases out of sight
When you go shopping, leave your purchases in the trunk of your car. Leaving these bags and boxes out of sight will make you less of a target to have your car broken into. Most vehicles that are broken into have valuables in plain sight, making them an easy target. By simply putting your gifts in your trunk rather than in the seat next to you, you’re keeping yourself safer.
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