03 Jan Increasing Your Personal Protection
Looking After Number One
In the unrelenting rat race that is life, we can often become sidetracked by hundreds of different cares throughout the day; lunch meetings, product demos, birthday parties, community service opportunities — an endless list of good and worthy causes call for our attention, but that is often when disaster strikes.
This isn’t anything new — the amount of car accidents each year caused by distracted and/or agitated driving is astronomical, and that is just one of the ways in which we can so easily neglect our own safety for the goings-on of the here-and-now.
As one of the midWest’s premier security companies, we at CBI Security have cultivated numerous resources in order to help people identify lapses in their personal security so that they can run the race of life in peace.
Let’s go over a few of the easiest ways you can increase your personal protection and thwart the bad guys who are waiting for that one person who is too distracted to take caution.
#1 — Invest in Surveillance
You might balk at the word surveillance because it brings up thoughts of a wall panel full of CCTVs and a 24/7 security guard, and that seems a little too much for your small house. While we do specialize in video surveillance installation and monitoring, you don’t have to break the bank (or turn your laundry room into a security office) in order to enjoy the protection of surveillance equipment.
- Many home security cameras are relatively cheap and can be placed anywhere you like in the home.
- Alarm systems are some of the best deterrents against those who would break-in.
- Today, you can control your entire security surveillance system from your cell phone.
#2 — Arm Yourself
You may feel mixed about bringing a firearm into your home. This is totally fair. While protection is the #1 reason for gun purchases in the United States, not everyone feels ready to take that step. There are many different ways to arm yourself, however, that won’t just escalate a conflict:
- Many convicted home invaders agree that one of the biggest deterrents for them is the presence of a big dog in the house.
- Consider contacting professional security services to retain mobile security or even an armed bodyguard.
- Purchase a stock of non-lethal protection devices such as a taser, pepper spray, or a stun gun.
#3 — Do Some Light Renovations
Your home is your castle and you have a right to protect it and yourself. Many homes, however, aren’t completely secure from streetwise burglars or seasoned criminals. Luckily, even just making a few small changes to the interior and exterior of your home will increase your personal security manyfold.
- Install motion-activated flood lights around your home
- Put bars on your windows and over window wells
- Invest in better locking mechanisms for your doors and windows
Increasing your personal protection doesn’t have to be a big ordeal lasting months or years, nor do you need to hire a personal security guard if you don’t want to. Instead, the best way to start the process of becoming more secure is to simply look around and identify areas that could be exploited by a criminal and take steps to rectify that.
If you would like a professional assessment of your current security setup, we are proud to offer one as part of our security services. Give us a call today to set up an appointment.
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