01 Feb Personal Safety Tips
Perhaps the scariest part of personal safety is the unknown. To an extent, you really never know when a stranger with malicious intent will seek to harm you or steal your possessions. That’s why it’s so important to be aware of and actively practice basic safety protocols to reduce your chances of finding yourself in a dangerous situation. Here are some of our favorite tips:
Keep Your Keys Ready
This can be interpreted in a few different ways:
- First, keeping a set of keys with a fob on them near your bed might come in handy for when you suspect somebody is lurking outside your house. Simply press the alarm button and the chances that they will stick around are very low.
- Second, when you’re walking to your car, especially at night, keeping your keys in your hand with the appropriate key ready to go will save you a few valuable seconds that might make the difference in whether or not a would-be attacker gets their chance to harm you or not.
- Third, if worse comes to worst, you can use your keys as a makeshift weapon in the event that you need to fight someone off.
Take a Self-Defense Class
We think it’s a good idea for everybody to know the basics of self-defense. Being able to throw a punch correctly can make the difference between being physically assaulted and safely defending yourself against an attacker.
Be Aware of Your Surroundings
You’ve definitely heard this tip before, but it’s worth repeating. Being aware of your surroundings is the best way to avoid problems before they become problems. Don’t be afraid to turn around and walk the other direction or to cross the street because you don’t feel comfortable passing a person or group of people. Always be aware when you are in parking lots, which are a common site for kidnappers and muggers.
Don’t Walk Alone at Night
Unfortunately, this tip is especially relevant for women. Walking alone at night is very dangerous, as many predators use the cover of night to hide them. Most schools and offices have security available that will walk you back to your car. Most local police stations are happy to assist as well. If you have to walk alone at night, walk quickly and with confidence, keeping your keys ready and paying close attention to your surroundings.
Make a Lot of Noise
If you ever feel threatened, one of the best things you can do is make a lot of noise. Predators rely on stealth and surprise to get the upper hand on their victims and many of them will flee if their actions attract undesired attention. Yelling for help might seem like an embarrassing concept, but it can save your life.
We hope we haven’t scared you with this list. We realize that personal safety can be a scary concept, but the point is that when the appropriate steps are taken, we can reduce the risk of falling victim to a would-be criminal. We encourage you to take these tips seriously and actively practice them, as they might just keep you out of harm’s way.
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