01 Sep Race Event Safety Tips
Races and major athletic events grow in popularity every year, and Utah has its fair share. From the Salt Lake City marathon that winds through downtown to various biking, triathlon, or Ragnar events, Utah residents love events that get them outside and active. However, along with growing popularity comes growing risks for security and safety.
Whether your upcoming event is large or small, here are some tips to help you conduct it safely for everyone involved.
Clear Roles
One of the most important factors in an event’s security is establishing clear roles, especially at an event where a large part of your help staff is made of volunteers. Every person with the organization should know exactly what their role is, what they’re responsible for, and what to do in an emergency. Establish a clear chain of command so that people know who to contact if they need help, and enact training beforehand to make sure that these organizational and safety rules are clear.
Remember, there will be many people that you have to coordinate; from individuals helping with parking to volunteers handing out water bottles to on-site medical aid.
Effective Communication
Along with these clear roles must come an effective system for communication. Athletic events often cover a large area, and so helpers will be distributed over a large area. It’s important to have effective tools to help with communication, such as radio units set up at even intervals along the race. If not all personnel is able to be equipped with radio communication, it can be helpful to have a central resource that has the cell phone number of each person, along with where they’re stationed. Each worker should understand who they can call on for help, and how to respond if they themselves are called on.
Furthermore, it’s important to set up strong communication with the resources that are available to you outside of who has been exclusively hired for help in the event. This includes city departments like police, fire, and ambulance services, as well as emergency response groups like the Red Cross.
Evaluate Risks Beforehand
Before any event, it’s important to evaluate safety risks, and take whatever measures you can to guard against possible incidents. Identify weak spots, do your due diligence beforehand to see if there are patches where cell or radio communication are ineffective, note areas that might experience bottlenecks or large crowds, and train your personnel ahead of time to be informed of these risks and the appropriate responses.
Accessible Medical Assistance
Any athletic event must have on-site medical assistance available. Organizers of the Chicago Marathon reported that as many as 10% of participants needed medical assistance during the course of the race. Medical needs can range from simply needing rehydration or a brace for a strain, to severe medical issues or injuries, so it’s essential for all workers to be ready to respond.
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