08 Jun Why Hire Mobile Patrol Officers?
What is Mobile Patrol?
Like any security guard position, mobile patrols are meant to provide your community, property, or company with a regular security presence. Once they’ve arrived on your site in a branded vehicle, the officer will patrol various buildings and grounds, ensuring that all is well throughout the site, day or night. A mobile patrol means improved security and improved peace of mind for yourself.
Different from a Traditional Guard
A traditional security guard is usually hired to patrol a small area or stay at a base site. The greatest difference with a mobile patrol guard is that once their patrol has ended, they will move on to their next patrolling site. In fact, you’re only paying for the time that the officer is patrolling your site and not any time before or after that. This makes mobile patrolling not only a more cost-effective option but one that provides a greater amount of security over a larger amount of space.
Essential for Property Managers & Business Owners
The safety and protection of residents and employees are likely at the forefront of your mind. It can be challenging or even impossible to ensure that every person within your workspace or area is protected at all times. Even having a stationed guard at an entrance and exit may not be enough to keep unwanted individuals or activities from happening. That’s why mobile patrols continue to be the popular option for security services. Whether the area of patrol is large or small, whatever time of day, their presence and training can help you keep your property and community safe.
Staying Alert
Staying alert and vigilant throughout a patrolling time can be a difficulty. A moving or rolling patrol never allows for the downtime that could result in serious distractions. As an officer is constantly moving from property to property, they are able to stay alert and prepared for anything that may come.
Driving around a property or community means the hired officer has a greater amount of time to become familiar with an area; knowing whether or not something or someone looks out of place or in distress.
Quick Response
Having an active and mobile patrol creates quicker and sometimes immediate response times. An officer in a vehicle is able to move and take action in an efficient and effective manner. If a criminal act is spotted, they can be there to assure no further damage is done before police arrive.
If an emergency situation should occur, mobile security can reach their destination well before other emergency services, providing assistance and medical care before other services arrive.
Visual Presence
The physical and visible presence of a moving patrol vehicle sends a positive message. Flashing lights, well-marked and branded vehicles, and continuous movement all help to keep residents or workers feeling secure as they go about their day or sleep at night.
Trouble is also less likely to occur with the presence of an officer nearby. An officer can spot or even stop:
- Theft
- Break-ins
- Vehicle theft
- Vandalism
A mobile patrol guard can keep a close eye on your building or community when other’s cannot. If they spot suspicious activity the officer’s presence may deter those who are participating in illegal activities.
Security Round the Clock
You may feel you only need a mobile patrol during the night when unlawful activity is more likely to occur, or when a stationary security guard is not enough. However, most mobile patrol guards can provide security round the clock. 24-hour security means constant patrol over illegal or suspicious activity. The constant presence of a vehicle also further promotes a safe environment for all.
If you need security but can’t afford the cost of round the clock watch, mobile security is usually the option that companies opt for. You can decide when and where they patrol. If there’s a window of time where the unwanted activity is more likely to happen, hiring a patrol vehicle and officer only for that time period allows you to stay vigilant without affecting your budget.
Quality Officer
Unlike a static security guard, mobile patrols are often more efficient with their time. Hiring a quality mobile officer is important. Mobile patrol officers have the added responsibility of not only patrolling a site but operating a vehicle. It’s not uncommon for businesses, construction companies, and college campuses, and communities to hire mobile patrols. They ultimately lower the risk of unlawful actions, are beneficial for boosting the feeling of general safety, reduce the chance of theft, and are more cost-effective than other security guard options.
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