Industries That Benefit Most from Added Security Personnel

bank security officer

Industries That Benefit Most from Added Security Personnel

On the face of it, hiring security personnel can seem like just another expense for a business, but some industries cannot afford not to have them around. After all, they not only keep your premises safe and deter crimes, they also improve customer satisfaction by helping clients find their way around the premises.

1. Retail Industry

The retail industry is often seen as a soft target for break-ins. They have to deal with all sorts, from petty thieves to armed robbers. In fact, in 2019, retail crime remains the largest problem facing large stores and retail chains. 

Being one of the biggest burglary targets makes hiring security personnel a priority for the retail industry. Security personnel also help the industry maintain order when things are rowdy, especially during the holiday periods.

2. Hospital and Healthcare facilities

Healthcare facilities, including hospitals and clinics, don’t keep a ton of cash on-premises, yet they benefit tremendously from added security personnel.

Firstly because they deal with a lot of sensitive materials, including patients’ bloodwork, body fluid, DNA samples, and medical history, these materials cannot be handled carelessly and require trained professionals to keep them safe and protected. 

There is also the matter of the fragile nature of hospitals, where patients are vulnerable, and doctors work in delicate environments. There is a need for a dedicated group of trained professionals to maintain the balance between security and a peaceful ambiance. 

3. Residential Areas

We all do our best to protect our families. And no one wants theirs to be at the risk of any form of attack. Adding security personnel to residential communities will keep out theft and kidnappings and provide the security needed to live a fun and comfortable life. 

Security agents in these communities keep track of residents and keep unwanted visitors out. These added layers of protection often add to the value of properties located within it.

4. Construction Industry

The construction industry uses a lot of high-value equipment and material that can entice organized crimes. Employees are also liable to steal given the proper opportunity, especially since the majority of labor in the industry are temporary workers with little loyalty to companies.

Savings from the prevention of theft in the industry far outweigh the cost. Therefore, the industry always has added security personnel on their sites. In addition, these new security layers help to enforce safety protocols and maintain order during fights or strikes.

5. Art Centers and Museum

Museums and art centers have a lot in common with banks. They operate galleries with portable, highly valuable, and often priceless items, including:

  • Jewel
  • Paintings
  • Sculptures
  • Gemstones
  • Historical heirlooms and;
  • Priceless artifacts

And they are often targets of heists and burglars—private security personnel help prevent theft and maintain protective protocols of valuables.

6. Banks

Perhaps, the banking industry is the most obvious business that gains the most from additional security personnel. Banks deal directly with tons of cash every day, making them a primary target for all sorts of notorious entities.

The increased stakes make security personnel vital to the operation of banks. These agents receive regular training to keep up with advancing technology and security procedures. And a level of details that specific private security agents can only provide.

7. Hotels

The hospitality industry thrives on its ability to cater to the comfort and security of people. Yet, hotels often experience an influx of people over multiple entrances. To protect their customers, they can’t afford a loose security system.

Therefore, they are one of the biggest beneficiaries of specially trained security personnel who know how to handle tricky situations while still maintaining a fun environment.


Added security personnel can be trained to Industry-specific threats that are often complex with ease. You can also oversee these agents’ training and security protocol to ensure their quality. 

Seeing a dedicated security team for a business brings relief and an additional sense of security to customers and visitors. Such benefits and more make added security personnel invaluable to these industries.

Author: t6admin

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